Blogging Q&A

I have quite a few people message me and ask about all aspects of blogging, so I thought I would answer all your questions about the industry in one post. Whether you’re just curious about what blogging entails or you’re interested in starting up a blog yourself. Hopefully this post will be able to give you an insight into how things run behind the scenes.


Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog as I wanted to document my pregnancy and use it as a kind of memory box to look back on and show Eva when she’s older. I also love to write and enjoy all things beauty and fashion so I thought why not start a blog as a creative outlet for all these things. Then within hours The Mummy Journey was born and live on the internet.

What websites help you make a website?

There are a few websites you can use to create a blog. To create mine I use the website WordPress as it’s so easy to use. They have lot’s of free content to help you make your blog just how you want it and also if you get stuck they have tutorials to teach you how to customise every aspect of your website.

How many times do you post a week?

How many times you post a week is entirely based on you as a person and also your audience. I have decided that two posts a week on my blog is great for me and also my readers as it’s easy for them to keep up with.

How do you get people to visit your site?

There is no definite answer to this question. I like to promote my blog on my social media but honestly it really does take time building up a solid readership that are loyal and committed to keeping up with and reading your blog posts.

Where do you get inspiration for your blog posts?

My honest answer to this question is, everywhere! I think of things I didn’t know before having a child that I would’ve liked to, I see issues rising on social media, I see a cute shade of lipstick on someone when i’m out and that could be the inspo for an upcoming post.  I also ask my readers what they want to see, which helps a lot.

How do you get enough photos for content on the blog and Instagram?

You definitely have to plan your posts. If you wait until the day of uploading to get the right picture you’ll end up wasting so much time sorting out what looks good and what doesn’t and probably not getting the photo as good as you could. I shoot multiple pictures in the same day. I will then spend time editing the pictures before putting them on my blog and uploading to Instagram.

What makes a good photo?

Lighting is the absolute key and what separates a photo from being ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Your photo’s, I think anyway need to be crisp, bright and clear but it’s all based on what you like and your editing styles.

Can you make money blogging?

The all time question that most people ask and my answer is yes, however it takes time!  If you’re starting a blog just for the money and the free gifts trust me you won’t succeed. The vast majority of bloggers give up within the first 6 months as it’s too much work and a lot harder then they anticipated. You need a genuine passion for your niche and blog for you to stick it out and succeed.

How do you select brands to work with?

I have to make sure they’re a good fit for my niche and my audience first and foremost, so I only contact brands I’ve already researched, and carefully consider any pitch emails I recieve. If it’s not going to be a mutually beneficial relationship, I kindly decline!

Should you start a new blog Instagram or change your personal into it?

I changed my personal account to my blog. I do think it can be helpful keeping business and personal stuff separate, but I like to share everything with family, friends, bloggers and just my following in general.

How do you keep up with your blog and work full time?

I am actually on maternity leave at the moment but will be going back to work at the end of July/start of August. It wasn’t too hard for me to balance my blog and my job but now my blog is starting to take off and I have a little one, we will have to see as I’ve never been in this position before. The key for working while blogging is definitely time management and using any extra free space you have on an evening or weekend for your blog.

Unexpected challenges? 

Honestly, I feel like I’m on my phone the majority of the time and I really dislike being ‘that friend’ whenever I’m out or at dinner. I am also now branching out onto YouTube now and I feel to get good content for video’s can sometimes be quite tricky and time consuming.


Have a question that’s not on my list? Feel free to leave it below or drop me a message!

Amy xo


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